
What if you can be ok whatever happens?

The Mental Fitness 8-week Program.

Take your emotional and mental resilience to the next level.

The Mental Fitness Program is an intensive practice designed to help you build your mental and emotional resilience so that you perform at your best -not just for the 8 weeks of the program, but for the rest of your life.

The mental fitness program is for you if:

  • You want to give your best and don’t want to let yourself or others down.

  • You feel the burden of conflicting priorities and are wondering whether you can do it all.

  • You are frustrated that people around you or your circumstances are slowing you down.

  • you’re going through a period of transition/ uncertainty and want to make sure you can manage the stress and be ready for what’s next.

  • You want to improve your focus and your productivity.

This Program is based on the Breakthrough research summarized in the New York Times best seller book by Shirzad Chamine " Positive Intelligence"- and the related mental fitness programs and PQ App.


What you get:

  • 1 x 60-minute Individual coaching session at the start of the program

  • The Saboteur Assessment: to identify the patterns that are holding you back.

  • 7 x 60-minute weekly live group coaching calls, practicing the 3 muscles of mental fitness.

  • Access to the Positive Intelligence App including:

    • 7 modules to get first-hand experience with the powerful Positive Intelligence tools.

    • Your mental Fitness Gym with Daily practices to build the 3 mental fitness muscles and a daily dashboard for progress

    • Access to the Positive Intelligence audiobook inside the app + a PDF copy of the first eight chapters

  • Exclusive Community support and Group Practice (Pods)- where you can drop in questions and receive support in between our calls.

What you learn:

  • The Science and Practice of self-command- the 3 muscles of mental fitness and how to build up sustained change

  • How to develop an awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so that you can choose what needs to change.

  • The 10 saboteurs - which ones are in play for you and the tools and practices to intercept them? So that you dismantle the behaviors that do not serve you.

  • How to tap into that wiser part of yourself “ the sage” and practical implementation of the strategies to enhance your personal mastery.

  • How to apply this operating model to different areas of life and work: ie: working with difficult people, parenting, stress management, productivity, and performance.


Results across 50+ countries and 500,000+ Participants:

Based on The Positive Intelligence program and Research

Better at stress management

Better at conflict management

Improved Self confidence

Better at teamwork and collaboration

The Mental Fitness program is on WAITLIST

…but you can join the next cohort when the doors open.

To learn more and be notified the moment the doors open, enter your name and email below:


While Physical fitness gives you the ability to climb steep hills

without physical stress.

Mental fitness enables you to handle life’s great challenges

without mental or emotional stress.