Why Feeling Like a Fraud is a Sign of Great Leadership

Did you know that nearly 70% of people have experienced imposter syndrome at some point in their lives? This phenomenon can make you feel like a fraud or that you don't belong in your role. However, instead of being a weakness, imposter syndrome could actually be a sign that you are a great leader. This article delves into why imposter syndrome might actually be a good thing and how you can use it to your advantage in your leadership journey. Read on to discover how you can embrace imposter syndrome and turn it into a strength.

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Jihen GattiComment
How can mind puzzles help you understand your reality?

Does it puzzle you that some people seem to be able to see opportunities everywhere? Even in the most stagnant, recessing markets? How different would it be for you to have that capacity?

I was exposed to quite a number of mind puzzles and brain teasers some weeks ago. I realized how useful the insights I got from playing these games are in the real game of life. Curious? Check it out here.

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Why is change not easy?

“Why is it that I can’t stop worrying about the future? I know It’s no good but I can’t stop it!”

“We need to change our way of doing things, but why is it so hard to get people on board? Don’t they realize how critical this is?”

Coping with change can be so frustrating and so stressful. And it’s definitely not only about goodwill, so what is it about? How can we change our reaction to change?

Well, both The Matrix and The Beatles gave us some clues. Let’s dig deeper…

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Losing control? Start with your breath

If you don’t control your breath how do you expect to control your energy?

Let me start by warning though: This is not another writing on how breathing can help you relax, build your energy, help you sleep better, focus more, reduce your anxiety. Well… not just that.

It goes deeper into understanding how: YOU can design your own breathing cycle to produce the results you want for your physical and emotional wellbeing.

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