
Ready to go full on? To stop compromising and get your career working for you?

Fast track your change. Go full-on for 8 weeks and make it happen


The Go Full-On Xpand package:

Why is it so hard to make things happen this time? Should you aim for more or settle for less?

You’ve been in corporate for so long. You worked hard to be where you are today. The corporate world is not an easy one, but it has its perks, and you made it so far. Now the game is at a different level.

You’re not sure whether you can still play along, whether it’s worth playing? How can you get out of your head and make the right move?

The bad news is that there’s no crystal ball. You can’t foresee your future. You tried it already. You’ve been doing your best – with the tools and the knowledge you currently have. And it's not working, it's taking a lot from your time and a toll on your energy.

What about following a clear process that will take you from where you are now to deciding on what to do next? From confused and conflicted to feeling good about your decision. From procrastinating to acting and getting to where you want to be?

This process is as follow:


This 4-steps process is designed to get you to:

  • Know what to do next with your career and how to get there.

  • Get rid of the procrastination, the doubt, and any strings that are pulling you back.

  • Move forward in your career fully aligned with who you are and what you value.


1.Pause & Assess


When you’re in the middle of the problem, you keep swinging between the same options, the same thoughts. You can’t see a way out of it.

We start by stopping the overwhelm and by enlarging your perspective. Through deep questions and powerful exercises, we explore your current career situation to understand the underlying issues.

You’ll experience a shift of your perspective and an increased peace of mind. Basically, you’ll know what’s going on and what we need to work on.

2.Make the change


Now that we know what’s pulling you back, we go and change it.

Using deep techniques you’ll upgrade your biology so that you’re no longer limited by crippling thoughts or unconscious behaviours that used to sabotage your progress...

We’ll tackle what is relevant for you given your unique situation.

By the end of this phase, you’ll feel relieved, you see new options, new possibilities. As if a huge burden suddenly disappeared and you’re all prepped to decide on what to do next.

3.Align the system


Acting from this resourceful state now, we revisit what you want to do next.

You’ll align your career vision with the life that you want to have. Your needs, values, beliefs, and behaviours fall into line.

No more doubts, or hesitations. You know what you want and you feel great about it.

4.Go get it


Now that you’re rewired for action and you're clear about your priorities, we’ll work together to develop your action plan.

We encode these actions further in your system so they come naturally to you.

You say a final goodbye to procrastination and start functioning from a place of inner drive instead of forceful willpower.

This final phase of your journey will leave you armed with all the tools you need to make things happen and to keep the changes you’ve made.


This experience is available to clients worldwide and includes:

  • (8 to 10)* 90mn one-to-one coaching sessions with me either face to face or on Zoom.
  • 4 online video trainings plus assesments and tutorials as needed.(discolure: you can use these in other areas of your life apart from your career, if you want to!).
  • Unlimited E-mail & WhatsApp access to me for the entire coaching period for you to be completely supported between sessions.
  • Sessions can be conducted in English, French or Arabic.


Let’s answer some questions here:

+ What is coaching?

Coaching is about creating change and results.

It’s not motivational speaking. It's not about having a positive attitude, not even asking questions about your past and dwelling on past suffering. It’s about focusing on the future, solving the problems, and creating new choices.

+ What coaching modalities does Xpand Coaching use?

My coaching modalities are a combination of proven techniques and tools. Including, but not limited to, psychometric assessments, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Timeline Paradigm techniques, Quantum Linguistics, and Hypnosis.

Whether these are rooted in proven science or recognized as ancient wisdom, What matters for me is that they get YOU the results you want.

+ Does this package cover resumes, interviews, and job search support?

The short answer to that is NO.And...You may have tried working on these already with no much success despite reading many books or googling for tips and insights.

That’s why we work on your action plan only once we clear up all that is pulling you back. Then I can share with you my perspective, insights and expertise as a corporate veteran. You might be surprised, though, that by then, you might not need it as much as you think, now!

+ Is everything we speak about confidential?

Absolutely. Creating a safe space is non-negotiables when coaching with me.

+ What if this doesn’t work for me?

What if it does work for you? Think about it.

And, to make it even easier, if you don’t feel I delivered on my commitment by the end of your experience, you get your investment back. Risk-free! For that, all I ask is for YOU to be 100% committed to the coaching process.

+ Is the 8 weeks a fixed timeline? What if I want my results faster or what if I can’t commit to one session every week?

The 8 weeks are an indication based on 1 session per week, and that’s what's generally required to get the results. And as this is about you, your situation, and what you want, this is flexible. We can go the intensive route and do it in 4 days, and we can also accommodate for a longer period if needs be. We'll agree on this together. Remember, you’re not investing in hours of sessions but in results.

+ Can I work with you from anywhere?

Yes! Anywhere there is a computer or device + the internet! We hop on a Zoom call, and all the magic is there. Now, if you're in Dubai, we can have the sessions face to face. Both delivery methods are equally effective!

Do you have any other questions? Your answers are one click away!


If you don't do this now then what else will you do?